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Welcome to CV Financial - Whatever your course of life

Financial Planning 

We will work with you to create a clear financial plan.

Your financial plan will help you to:

- Explore your options.

- Make better decisions.

- Take action.

You can test and compare different scenarios such as:


- Working longer or retiring earlier.

- Funding your pension versus taking salary.

- Comparing different options.

Wealth Management 

Do you know what you want to achieve with your money?

Do you know what growth rate you need to ensure you hit your target?

Have you tested different outcomes and scenarios?

How might these scenarios impact on your future plans and ambitions?

What about RISK? 


We rely on evidence-based, proven investment principles that will ensure you manage your wealth successfully.

Why not contact us for a discussion?


Organising Your Finances

Are you a business owner, professional person or senior executive?

Chances are you are busy with work and life. Maybe your finances could be better organised. Things like:

- Protecting yourself and your family.

- Providing for your future.

- Paying less tax.

- Estate planning.

Leave it to us! We will gather all relevant information and help structure your finances clearly and efficiently.

Talk to Us Today
What We Do?

We put you at the centre –explore what is important to you
  • Provide clarity on your financial situation.
  • Plan for your financial future in best way for you.
  • Help you manage your wealth.
  • Ensure you make better decisions.
  • Optimise your pension planning.
  • What we don’t do:
  • Make predictions. 
  • Call Markets
  • Jump on financial bandwagons
  • Lecture you. We work WITH YOU to do what is BEST FOR YOU.
  • We have offices in Kilkenny, Clonmel and Dublin and are always available for a chat.

    Get in Touch
    Work with Us
    ian & shay

    Company Directors & Business Owners

    As business owners ourselves we fully understand the challenges and demands on your time. Sometimes, important personal affairs can get neglected or put on the long finger. We will work with you to help you get your personal finances better organised in a way that makes sense for you.

    Families & Individuals

    You may have financial questions to address. Immediate questions such as "should I have a better pension?" Or BIG questions such as "will we have enough money for life?" We are here to help you. Take the first step and contact us for a chat.

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    Retirement Options?

    Retirement isn't what it used to be! Thankfully, we are all living longer and have many options - stay working, work less, start a business, help a charity, do something completely different. We'll help you transition to your 'second' life by exploring future income streams and testing the financial impact of your many options.
    Contact Us
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